Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Braces- First extraction

  In this post, I'm going to talk about the part where most people are afraid of- tooth extraction! In order to proceed with my braces treatment, I'll have to extract 4 teeth to make space for my teeth to move. She wrote a letter to indicate which teeth that the dentist should get rid of. The teeth that have to go is my 4th upper left and right premolars, which is symmetry to each other. But the lower one she chose confuses me cause it's the 4th and 5th premolars which is unsymmetrical to each other. I'm super worried that my teeth will turn out weird, but well, I'm gonna put my faith on her. She's the pro, and I shall trust her. The place I did braces doesn't offer tooth extraction service, so I went to a clinic near my house to perform the tooth extraction.

  I decided to pluck my teeth off two by two, each with a week gap. I drove to the clinic ALONE and undergo the whole process ALONE. *imma brave girl yo* After taking a number, I waited for a few minutes, until my number is called. I went into the room, doctor checked the letter, and I was asked to sit. The female dentist was really nice and considerate to ask if I've had my breakfast and asked me not to be nervous. She then took out a needle syringe and injected a total of  4 doses of anaesthesia. The locations where she inserted the needle is on my outer gum and the other one nearby my inner gum. I felt a slight pain which I'll rate the degree of pain-ness 2/10 and the other one 3/10. She asked me to wait outside the room to wait for the effect of anaesthesia to take place. I couldn't feel my lips just after the injection. What followed on was even worse, the feeling of numbness went up to my nose and ended up I can't even feel my nose. The sensation was kinda weird as when i touch my own lips, it felt like I'm touching a foreign object which doesn't belongs to me. Blood kept flowing out because I couldn't control my lips. It looked kinda scary with a large amount of blood pouring but actually it was just blood that mixed with my saliva made it look so dramatic. Few minutes later, the nurse asked me in and there I am sitting there ready to get my teeth extracted. I might look calm outside, but in the inside I was trembling and holding my hands together. Within a few minutes of tugging and pulling, my tooth was detached from the gum. I didn't feel any pain at all and it was quite a relief to me.

  The aftermath of having 2 teeth plucked is kinda a hassle. I bit the cotton they gave me for around 3 hours and change it whenever it's soaked completely with blood. Hot beverages and food are prohibited to avoid more bleeding. Straws also cannot be used to allow the blood to clot properly and heal itself. I was so scared of dry socket(which is the detaching of blood clot from your extraction site which FYI will be super painful whenever food comes in contact with it) and fortunately I took good care so it didn't happen :)

  It's basically the same procedure and things to take caution for the second round of teeth extraction. I'm really lucky for I've not encountered any discomfort during the one week of healing time. Everything goes pretty smooth and I'm ready to put on my braces on the next appointment. Cheers!

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